giovedì 12 giugno 2008


I love lavender, I like her colour and her perfume

7 commenti:

alice ha detto...

Your lavender is already blooming? I must wait for mine...
Thank you for visiting Arradon DP!

Dan ha detto...

This is a wonderfully fragrant flower, I like it too. I really like the last several days of posts. This looks to be a lovely area. I hope I can visit here some day.

Lilli & Nevada ha detto...

I love Lavender as well, smells so nice

Katie ha detto...

Very pretty photo; I can almost smell the wonderful scent! The lavender is in full bloom here in northern California; glad you're enjoying it there as well!

Louis la Vache ha detto...

"Louis" likes lavender, too!

Lavender has been used as a cleaning agent for so long that it shares the root of its name with the Latin for 'to clean' - and we see it again in the French lavabo for wash basin.

At San Francisco Bay Daily Photo, you asked if the Dawn Princess is a big ship - YES!

"Louis" being an early riser, caught San Francisco waking up. Louis attributes the camera shake to (A) it was still early enough that "Louis's" caffeine meter was not yet out of the red zone and (B) the lack of a tripod for a shot like this....

Chuck Pefley ha detto...

I have lavender just beginning to bloom in my flower-bed. Wonderful fragrance!

Please excuse my intermittent comments lately. Summer (well in some parts of the world) brings much extra work my direction. I'll visit and leave a comment as often as possible, however.

Fabrizio Zanelli ha detto...

I love lavender me too !!!