giovedì 15 maggio 2008

My strawberry plant

8 commenti:

Tanya Breese ha detto...

A very healthy strawberry plant! It won't be long now!

Louis la Vache ha detto...

ummm! "Louis" loves strawberries! You reminded him that they are on his shopping list....

Louis la Vache ha detto...

Vero, "Louis" has added your blog as a link in the right sidebar of his San Francisco Bay Daily Photo.

Pat ha detto...

I envy you for your green thumb. Actually I envy you because you have the willpower not to have eaten the riper berries! Nice personal shot.

Chuck Pefley ha detto...

Looks like you'll be eating these very soon. Yum!

Nazzareno ha detto...

Già sufficienti per un buon dessert (con la panna)....
Buon w.e.

Ramosforest.Environment ha detto...

Beautiful. I used to have some strawberry plants in my garden.

Uma por Dia ha detto...

I want one like this!