martedì 29 aprile 2008

Bagni Ermete

Walking in the beach, me and my husband see this likeable banner of a establishment seaside. I like the octopus

6 commenti:

Patrizia ha detto...

... che voglia di iniziare ad andare al mare!

Tanya Breese ha detto...

I like that-very colorful!

Chuck Pefley ha detto...

Yes, the octopus is fun! Nice photo! Very happy colors -:)

Dan ha detto...

Oh, I love this photo. the blues and yellows are beautiful!

Destitute Rebel ha detto...

Interesting picture, the octopus seems like its having fun at the beach.

Jane Hards Photography ha detto...

The yellow against the blue sky, just like a postcard. Real summer feel